The alarm went off a little early this morning but we knew we had so much to see. We gathered up Dave's dad, Bill, after saying a quick good morning to his step-mom and her sister, and headed in on the Metro to see the sites. We started at the Washington Memorial and moved through each of the following Memorials: Jefferson, FDR, MLK, Lincoln, Korean War, Vietnam War, and WWII. I am very glad I was able to see them all but have to put Jefferson and Lincoln at the top. Very cool to finally see in person. The kids did a good job and I think they really enjoyed seeing them as well.
We made a visit to Ford's Theater. We have all received a LOT of information about President Lincoln during the past 6 weeks. I know we all felt like we needed to see the theater to wrap up the history lesson. It was interesting as well.

We made plans to meet up with Dave's step-mom, Kris, and her sister, Becky, at the Old Ebbitt Grill. This is a very interesting restaurant and bar right near the White House. The food was great and the company was even better. It is so lovely to have a greater number of adults present at a meal than children; especially adults my children love so much. Normally when I sit down at a restaurant (or at church, on a train, on a couch, at the doctor's office or anywhere else) there is a battle for who gets to sit down next to me. It should be lovely, but it gets to be exhausting keeping track of whose turn it is to sit next to me. Guess how many children wanted to sit next to me at dinner? Zero, nada, none. I love my in-laws and that my children love them all so much too. What a gift that we can all be together and that the kids feel such total joy in their presence.

We parted ways with the adults after dinner and the 6 of us walked to the White House. It is beautiful and we really do wish we could have had a closer and longer view of it. We are not sure why, but the McLains and all of the visitors near us were very rudely hustled away from the White House from the Secret Service shouting at us "The fence line is closed. Move to the left or the right." We all agree it was not the hospitable welcome we were hoping for. I hope our next stroll past is not so snippy. After all, don't they know we are the McLains on the Road?
- Jll
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