We had a really simple and calm morning this morning which was so nice. Alastair received a new LEGO set from my mom yesterday of a space shuttle so he was busy working on it first thing this morning. Addie was busy cleaning up and making omelets for the family. Magnolia created a make-believe game where she served me two choices of pie, either peach or kiwi. Clearly the peach pie was much better.
Dagny and my mom had a very nice sleepover in the city and a fabulous breakfast at the hotel as well. They took the Metro to meet us in Springfield and we were quickly underway to our next destination.
This afternoon we visited the town of Manassas and the site of the two battles there at Bull Run. We always opt for the introductory movie at the visitor's center which highlights the main points of each of these historical sites. This movie was very good and the kids always seem to do so well to listen quietly. They are learning a lot but still get confused sometimes. During the movie Maggie leaned over to my mom to ask, "which ones are we rooting for?" We all agree the Civil War was a nasty time. We also discuss how both sides could have done a better job of "using their words."
One of the things that we found particularly interesting about the First Battle of Bull Run (or First Manassas) was that both the south and the north had townspeople pack picnic lunches and spread out blankets on the outlying hills to watch the battle. Everyone believed their side would win and the war would be over in a flash. I think the first battle had 5,000 casualties and a year later at the second battle there were 22,000 casualties. Terrible.

My aunt Joyce, uncle David
Zelinsky, and my cousin Michelle all live in Warrenton, VA and we had a really nice dinner together at their home. My aunt and uncle have always been world travelers and their home is beautiful and full of such interesting items from around the world. We had a really nice evening together and a great dinner too. Today is our 16th anniversary and my aunt, uncle, and cousin surprised us with a giant cake, balloons, champagne, and singing. The kids loved it and so did we. It is hard to believe we have been married for 16 years and that so many wonderful things have happened to us during those years. I feel so fortunate to have my husband and healthy children and loving extended family. Our marriage is a gift and we still have so much fun. We are waiting for all of the kids to fall asleep so we can go have a second piece of cake. It is ours after all.
- Jll
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