Today was a super great day that truly felt like a vacation, although it really reminded me of what it feels like to be in a hot and humid climate. This morning, we all got ready for a day of amusement park festivities. The 6 of us got dressed, said goodbye to whomever was left at the house, and we drove towards Buena Park for some breakfast. We ended up finding a little quick breakfast at Harry's Café. Although the meal was not delicious and the television was turned up way too loud, the six of us had a fairly large breakfast for only $33. Still, I would not recommend the place. I had toast and a scrambled egg for breakfast because I did not want to throw up at our next destination.

We then headed to Knott's Berry Farm. This of course was not filled with urban agriculture enthusiasts but rather thousands of boiling, sweaty, smelly, super excited tourists standing in line for hours to ride the thrilling rides this park has to offer. Although I may not make this sound very appealing, we arrived just as the park opened and we were able to ride all of the major things on our list within a few hours because we missed a majority of the crowd. The temperature all day ranged from 90-97 degrees and with the humidity, us McLains melted. We were sooo hot all day and I made sure to apply lots of sunscreen so I didn't make my sunburn any worse. By about 12:30, we were ready for some food and some air conditioning so we headed into the Johnny Rockets and waited for about 20 minutes to get a table. The heat made us so uncomfortable that all we really needed were some ice cold milkshakes. We downed those along with some fries and chicken nuggets.
Afterwards, we rode a few more rides including the ubiquitous log ride. We split into groups of 3 and
I rode down with Alastair and Dad. Concluding the ride is a large drop where you get your picture taken. Right before the drop, one of the automatic characters warned, "
Look out! Fire in the hole!" to which Dad replied yelling, "No! Fire in YOUR hole!" We laughed for a bit but as soon as we dropped, my hat fell off of my head and landed on Dad's face right as our picture was taken. I cannot think of a more perfectly timed photo. We all lost our drive for the day after waiting in line for so long. Making our way to the exit we found a few more small rides that Maggie wanted to try but we got out of there pretty quickly. Overall we really loved this park because compared to Disneyland and Six Flags, it was way cheaper, less crowded, and it still had some pretty amazing rides! My personal favorite ride was the Xcelerator which, right at the beginning, launched you from 0-82 mph in less than 3 seconds. We also favored the new HangTime ride and the Supreme Scream. We would highly recommend this destination if you're looking for a great park, maybe just choose a cooler day.
After that adventure, we got back into our super hot mini van and made a pit stop on the way home at a 7 Eleven for some drinks because we were so dehydrated. We got back to the DiBenedetto's house and rested up, played in the pool, talked for a while, and had leftover pizza and brats for dinner. We got dressed and drove to Baskin Robbins for ice cream and we walked around Petco while we ate. We met some really cute little kittens which made us VERY allergic later on. We got back to the house, got ready for bed, and watched more of this really funny show called Nailed It! We all laughed for a while and then got to bed.
I have not been blogging very much recently so I figured, while I have your attention, I could let you in on what it is like to live within 32 feet of all 5 of your family members for 3 months on end. First of all, I would like to address all of the things you miss from your regular life back home because this far into the trip I now have a list... family (my incredible grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and relatives that make our lives so special), friends (even with modern day technology, no amount of snapchatting can replace summer night sleepovers or pool days with the whole squad), having your own room (personal space and privacy are out the window on this trip), storage and room to keep all of your belongings and supplies, having a lock on the bathroom door to prevent unwanted interruptions and accidental walk-ins, having one reliable shower to use consistently rather than finding a new challenge or strangeness at every new campsite shower house, our church and knowing that I will be comfortable Sunday mornings at service, reliable wifi that you can count on to work and be free, table space to complete summer homework or scrapbooking, our guinea pigs and other pets that could care less that we are gone, my job and co-workers whom I cannot wait to rejoin in the fall, and most of all just the feeling of being at home and stable in one comfortable, not too hot and not too cold, perfect place.
That being said, there is nothing in the world that could replace this incredible trip that my family and I are so fortunate to experience. Everyday I am reminded of what a gift it is that I am surrounded by such amazing people in my life and that God granted me this family and this fascinating world to explore. Sometimes I forget how closely Magnolia resembles me at her age and even now. She is full of so many words, songs, and so much energy that she is always so joyful and vibrant. I can only hope that my spirit stays as fun and young as hers does throughout the years. Being so busy with school, it has become hard to always stay connected and in-tune with my siblings. This trip has helped me to realise how quickly Dagny is growing up and how she is becoming such an amazing young lady everyday that she grows. Not to mention the fact that she is getting taller and taller everyday, unlike Maggie lol. Alastair and I don't always get along but this time together allows us to figure out how to be compatible and allows us a chance to see eye to eye for some time, no matter how short that time period is. I really do love him and find him incredibly funny, cunning, and intelligent when we really get the chance to listen to each other. Overall, we could not be more thrilled that we get this opportunity and I would hope that we inspire all of you to spend some time with the people you love to really remember how blessed you truly are.
Goodnight and sweet dreams,

We then headed to Knott's Berry Farm. This of course was not filled with urban agriculture enthusiasts but rather thousands of boiling, sweaty, smelly, super excited tourists standing in line for hours to ride the thrilling rides this park has to offer. Although I may not make this sound very appealing, we arrived just as the park opened and we were able to ride all of the major things on our list within a few hours because we missed a majority of the crowd. The temperature all day ranged from 90-97 degrees and with the humidity, us McLains melted. We were sooo hot all day and I made sure to apply lots of sunscreen so I didn't make my sunburn any worse. By about 12:30, we were ready for some food and some air conditioning so we headed into the Johnny Rockets and waited for about 20 minutes to get a table. The heat made us so uncomfortable that all we really needed were some ice cold milkshakes. We downed those along with some fries and chicken nuggets.

I rode down with Alastair and Dad. Concluding the ride is a large drop where you get your picture taken. Right before the drop, one of the automatic characters warned, "
Look out! Fire in the hole!" to which Dad replied yelling, "No! Fire in YOUR hole!" We laughed for a bit but as soon as we dropped, my hat fell off of my head and landed on Dad's face right as our picture was taken. I cannot think of a more perfectly timed photo. We all lost our drive for the day after waiting in line for so long. Making our way to the exit we found a few more small rides that Maggie wanted to try but we got out of there pretty quickly. Overall we really loved this park because compared to Disneyland and Six Flags, it was way cheaper, less crowded, and it still had some pretty amazing rides! My personal favorite ride was the Xcelerator which, right at the beginning, launched you from 0-82 mph in less than 3 seconds. We also favored the new HangTime ride and the Supreme Scream. We would highly recommend this destination if you're looking for a great park, maybe just choose a cooler day.
After that adventure, we got back into our super hot mini van and made a pit stop on the way home at a 7 Eleven for some drinks because we were so dehydrated. We got back to the DiBenedetto's house and rested up, played in the pool, talked for a while, and had leftover pizza and brats for dinner. We got dressed and drove to Baskin Robbins for ice cream and we walked around Petco while we ate. We met some really cute little kittens which made us VERY allergic later on. We got back to the house, got ready for bed, and watched more of this really funny show called Nailed It! We all laughed for a while and then got to bed.
I have not been blogging very much recently so I figured, while I have your attention, I could let you in on what it is like to live within 32 feet of all 5 of your family members for 3 months on end. First of all, I would like to address all of the things you miss from your regular life back home because this far into the trip I now have a list... family (my incredible grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and relatives that make our lives so special), friends (even with modern day technology, no amount of snapchatting can replace summer night sleepovers or pool days with the whole squad), having your own room (personal space and privacy are out the window on this trip), storage and room to keep all of your belongings and supplies, having a lock on the bathroom door to prevent unwanted interruptions and accidental walk-ins, having one reliable shower to use consistently rather than finding a new challenge or strangeness at every new campsite shower house, our church and knowing that I will be comfortable Sunday mornings at service, reliable wifi that you can count on to work and be free, table space to complete summer homework or scrapbooking, our guinea pigs and other pets that could care less that we are gone, my job and co-workers whom I cannot wait to rejoin in the fall, and most of all just the feeling of being at home and stable in one comfortable, not too hot and not too cold, perfect place.
That being said, there is nothing in the world that could replace this incredible trip that my family and I are so fortunate to experience. Everyday I am reminded of what a gift it is that I am surrounded by such amazing people in my life and that God granted me this family and this fascinating world to explore. Sometimes I forget how closely Magnolia resembles me at her age and even now. She is full of so many words, songs, and so much energy that she is always so joyful and vibrant. I can only hope that my spirit stays as fun and young as hers does throughout the years. Being so busy with school, it has become hard to always stay connected and in-tune with my siblings. This trip has helped me to realise how quickly Dagny is growing up and how she is becoming such an amazing young lady everyday that she grows. Not to mention the fact that she is getting taller and taller everyday, unlike Maggie lol. Alastair and I don't always get along but this time together allows us to figure out how to be compatible and allows us a chance to see eye to eye for some time, no matter how short that time period is. I really do love him and find him incredibly funny, cunning, and intelligent when we really get the chance to listen to each other. Overall, we could not be more thrilled that we get this opportunity and I would hope that we inspire all of you to spend some time with the people you love to really remember how blessed you truly are.
Goodnight and sweet dreams,
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