We were able to have breakfast this morning with my Great Aunt Sue and spend a little time with my Great Uncle Howard. I am grateful for my little visit to Indianola and for my extended family. Good stuff!
We were in the RV for about 6 hours today which was pretty good, except for the slap jack. The kids don't play fair and always look at their own card before laying it down which is totally cheating because they always know if they have a jack before they lay it down. I tried to show them how to pull the cards from the bottom of the deck, but it was still total chaos. I had to take the cards away because the game was about to turn into slap your sisters.

We made it to Rochester, IL for dinner with my cousin Jen Batchelder and husband, Curtis and their family. When you have as many cousins as I have you have to pick your inner circle and Jen has always been part of my inner circle, mostly because we were born in the same decade. Of notable interest, just my first cousins (not second cousins), range in age from 22-59. There are a bunch of us and I am so glad my crew can claim some more time with the Batchelders. We had a great time playing at their house and having dinner and topped the night off with laser tag in the youth suite at Curt's church. Curtis is a youth pastor and has always been the most fun, especially for kids. We have stayed up WAY past bedtime for the past few nights. I know it is catching up to us because Maggie and Alastair took naps this afternoon. I hope they can power through tomorrow because we have planned about 20 hours of fun for just one day. Sleep tight little McLain people and the rest of you too.
we had the best time with you all!!! I think you could make this a yearly thing :)