The number one thing I love about Tanzania are the children. Never have I ever seen kids so joyful and happy. As we drive along the road they can see our giant “beast” rolling along and they are eager to wave and have us wave back. On any given day a hundred kids will wave at us.
They make and play with hand-made toys. Usually the wheel and stick run down the road type toys or homemade cars on sticks they can run behind. They have a lot of fun and they play so well together. Little girls no older than 5 taking care of 1 years olds all the while holding out a hand for a high five and “hello”.
We ended the day in Dar es Salaam with a campsite on the beach. After chopping some vegetables for our dinner the kids and I grabbed a quick swim in the Zanzibar Channel in the Indian Ocean. The McLains and several hundred locals. We ended up swimming in a group with about 40 local boys. Pretty soon Dagny, Alastair, Magnolia, and Adelaide are engaged in a chicken fight which the locals think is hilarious. The kids taught them all how to chicken fight and Dagny and Magnolia battled at least 10 boys each. Most of the time the McLains won. We have a great story for a lifetime and so do all those little boys.
Tonight we sleep to the sound of the ocean. For the next three days we get a needed break from the “beast” and we get to explore Zanzibar.
Nighty night.
What a different experience few have ever had the opportunity to do, especially Americans! Hope you put a journal together of your writings and photos, etc. Wow…