Saturday, May 25, 2013

Don't forget...

I am starting to make a list of all the things we need to do to prepare for our summer.  This list is starting to keep me awake at night.  These are some of the thoughts that cross my mind in the middle of the night.
Don't forget ear plugs to drown out the noise of tiny little mouth breathers who will be sleeping within 10 feet of me.
Don't forget sleepy/eye patch thing to cover my eyes while I sleep in case we are parked in a Walmart parking lot for a night under the lot's interrogation lighting.
Don't forget to pay the lawn mowing man in advance so he continues to mow and the neighbors don't get vocal like I have heard them get about other non-mowers.
Don't forget baseball gloves, tennis racquets, scooters, soccer balls, and pool floats.
Don't forget to get Felix the stuffed rabbit from next year's kindergarten teacher so Felix can experience 30 of the United States with 1 very excited five year old.
Don't forget to wash Felix in hot since he spends his every moment with five year olds.

I am guessing Felix is sleeping like the rest of my house.  I must be too excited to sleep.

We leave in 2 weeks.  I guess I can just sleep then. :)


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